Adding an image overlay
This section covers how to add an Image Overlay to your map
The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active
- WP Go Maps
- WP Go Maps Pro Add-on
This Feature is only available in the Atlas Novus Build
On the Map editor of the of your selected map, you are able to navigate to the Image Overlay page to view, add or edit existing Overlays.
WP Go MAPS -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> Image Overlay
To Add a new Overlay select the "Add Overlay" text near the top of the page or select the + icon and then the Overlay icon that appears on the map preview

- ClickΒ on the map to set the first corner of your overlay.
- ClickΒ again to set the other corner and to finish drawing your overlay.
- UploadΒ an image to be placed within the overlay area.
Edit the following options as required
Name: Name your Overlay, this identifies it on the Image Overlays page where all existing Overlays are listed
Opacity: A value between 0 and 1 for example-> 0.8 would be 80% Opaque
Image: The Image you would like to use as the overlay. This is added from you media library
Note: Overlays are placed on the ground level, which means you can add markers and shapes above them to mark points of interest.

Select Add Overlayat the bottom right of the page, to save your new Point Label