Displaying your Map on your WordPress site
This guide covers how to display your map on the front end of your WordPress website using either Gutenberg Blocks or the Shortcode
The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active
- WP Go Maps
Navigate to the page you would like to display your map on, and open the page editor.

Toggle the block inserter, with the + icon near the top left of the page.

Scroll to the WP Google Maps section and select the "Map", a map block will be inserted onto your page.

Select the Map to be displayed in the Map dropdown on the Gutenberg block settings pane and "Update" your page. Your map will now be visible on this page on the front end.

We do not currently support preview on the back end.
For additional guidance using Gutenberg blocks, please see the following resource: Adding Gutenberg blocksο»Ώ
To display your map on your website, you must copy and paste theΒ Map ShortcodeΒ to aΒ PostΒ orΒ Page.Β The Map Shortcode can be found on the Maps page or under the General Settings of the map (WP Go Maps -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> Settings -> General)

Copy and paste this Shortcode onto a Post or Page. It should look like this:

Once youβve finished editing your post or page content, click theΒ PublishΒ button.
Your Map should display on the published post or page (front-end).