Frequently asked questions

How to Create a Marker Cluster (Group)



This section covers creating a Marker Cluster (Group) with theΒ WP Go Maps Gold Addon.


The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active

Enabling the Marker clustering for your map

Please navigate as follows and select "Yes" from the Enable Clustering dropdown.

WP Go Maps -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> Settings -> Behaviour -> Marker Clustering -> Enable Clustering

Enable marker Clustering
Enable marker Clustering

Click theΒ Save MapΒ button.

Marker Clustering Advanced Settings

To access the advanced setting please navigate as follows:

WP Go Maps -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> Settings -> Behaviour -> Marker Clustering

Select the Advanced Settings button

Marker Clustering Advanced settings can also be accessed by navigating as follows:

WP Go Maps -> Settings -> Marker Clustering

The following advanced settings can be changed:

Grid Size

Β TheΒ Marker ClusterΒ library uses a grid-based clustering technique. It divides the map into squares of a certain size. All of your Map Markers will be assigned to a particular grid. TheΒ Grid SizeΒ determines the size of the grid used. The default is 20 pixels.

Max Zoom

The maximum zoom level for Marker Clustering. Markers will not be clustered at zoom levels above this setting. The default is 15.

Minimum Cluster Size

The minimum number of Markers which must exist in a grid for clustering to occur. The default is 2.

Cluster Font Color

TheΒ text-colorΒ used to show the number of Markers in each cluster. The default isΒ Black.

Cluster Font Size

TheΒ font-size (in pixels)Β Β used to show the number of Markers in each cluster. The default is 12px.

Zoom On Click

This toggle button determines whether the Map is zoomed to open the Marker Cluster (displaying the individual markers) when the cluster icon is clicked. The default isΒ No.

Cluster Icons

You can choose a custom Cluster icon for up to 5 levels of Marker Clustering. Clicking theΒ ChangeΒ button will open theΒ Media Library.

Once you’ve made your changes to theΒ Marker Clustering Advanced Options, click theΒ Save SettingsΒ button at the bottom of the page.


Map with default marker clustering options enabled
Map with default marker clustering options enabled
