Installing the Plugin
All CODECABIN_ plugins are built according to WordPress standards, and installing them is as easy as 1, 2, 3. This article will show you how to install all of the WP Go Maps plugins from Basic and Pro all the way to the Developer Bundle. Please use the following links to navigate to the section you need:
Log into your WordPress site and navigate to WordPress Dashboard → Plugins → Add New.
In the Search box at the top-right of the screen, type the words “WP Go Maps” and press {Enter}.

Click the Install Now button shown in the screenshot below. The plugin will install without any intervention.

Click the Activate button shown in the screenshot below. The plugin will activate.

Click Installed Plugins in the left sidebar of the WordPress Dashboard. You should see the activated WP Go Maps plugin in your list of installed plugins as shown in the screenshot below.

You can access the WP Go Maps plugin by clicking the Maps link in the left sidebar of the WordPress Dashboard.
All of the components that follow are premium products which require purchasing. The Pro version is an Add-on to the Basic version which means that the Basic version must be installed and activated in order to install and run the Pro version. The Gold Add-on and the Visitor Generated Markers Add-on require the Pro Add-on. That means that the Pro Add-on must be installed and activated in order to install and run the Gold Add-on or the Visitor Generated Markers Add-on.
Once you have purchased the WP Go Maps Pro version and received the Zip file at your PayPal email address (and downloaded it to your computer), log in to your WordPress Dashboard (WordPress Dashboard → Plugins → Add New).

Click on Plugins, then on Add New, and then on the Upload button. You will see the screen below.
- Navigate to the location where you saved the file on your computer.
- This file needs to be named, if it is not, rename it.
- Click the Install Now button.

WordPress will unzip and install the Pro Add-on for you, after which you can activate the plugin. Your list of plugins should look something like the screenshot below. WordPress Dashboard → Plugins → Installed Plugins.

The Pro Add-on must be installed and activated for the Gold or Visitor Generated Markers Add-ons to work.
To install either the Gold or Visitor Generated Markers Add-on (or both), follow the directions for installing the Pro Add-on given above. If you successfully install both the Gold and Visitor Generated Markers Add-ons, your Installed Plugins listing will look something like this:

The Developer Bundle is made up of all of the WP Go Maps plugins. Before installing the plugins, you must extract the files.

Once you have extracted the files, you will find all of the plugins described in this article, except WP Go Maps Basic. Follow the instructions given above to install the plugins in this order: