This folder does not exist, please create it.
This article covers troubleshooting the “This folder does not exist.” when pulling Marker data from an XML file with WP Go Maps.
You may experience this error message when pulling Marker data from an XML file with WP Go Maps:
Depending on your server configuration, this could mean one of the following:
- The plugin could not create the folder it requires to store the marker data in XML files ( the default location is wp-content/uploads/wp-google-maps)
- The plugin is referencing the incorrect location for some reason
To resolve this issue, try doing the following (in order of difficulty):
If you are using a Microsoft IIS server, ensure that there is no forward slash at the beginning of the MARKER XML URL field.
Change from XML file to Database for the Marker pull data from option at the following location:
WP GO Maps -> Settings -> Advanced Settings
Updated 21 Sep 2023
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