Using a custom image as a map tile
Using a custom image as a map tile is a great way to make use of the features of our map plugin on a custom map. This is ideal for representing historical maps or interacting with custom game maps.
The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active
- WP Go Maps
- WP Go Maps Pro Add-on
The Following Map engine needs to be enabled
- OpenLayers
To enable your custom map image, please navigate as follows
WP Go MAPS -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> Settings -> Themes -> Custom Image
Once on the Custom Image page, enable the "Enable Custom Image" toggle to turn the feature on.
Select the image you would like to use as your custom map image by selecting camera icon and either choosing/(uploading) the required image from/(to) the WordPress media library
Note: The map preview will only update to the chosen image once the map has been saved
The width and Height dimensions (in pixels) for the display of the image as your map will automatically be populated based on the actual image dimensions, these can be changed if required.
If your image requires attribution, these details can be entered into the Attribution field
