Using GET variables to Control your Map
This article covers Linking to a Marker from Another Page with the WP Go Maps Pro Add-on
The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active
- WP Go Maps
- WP Go Maps Pro Add-on
If you’d like to link to one of your Maps, centered on a specific Marker, from another web page you can use GET variables in a link to call and control your Map. When loaded, the map will center on that marker’s location and the zoom level will be changed if you set that variable as well. Note that the receiving page must include a Map (can be either a shortcode or a widget).

To create your link you’ll need the Marker ID for the marker you want to be centered on the Map. You can find the Marker ID by opening the Map containing the Marker
WP GO Maps -> Maps (edit your chosen map) -> scroll to the bottom of the map editor

Now that you have your Marker ID, you are ready to create the link to open the Map.
Usage Example

The following GET variables can be assigned:
- markerid: The ID of the marker. Once set, the map will automatically centre on this marker’s location and the infowindow will open.
- mzoom: The zoom level (0 – 21). Once set, the map will zoom to this level.