Adding a Rectangle
This section covers how to add a Rectangle to your map
The Following Plugin/s need to be installed and active
- WP Go Maps
- WP Go Maps Pro Add-on (optional, but required to edit Description, link, hover and layer settings)
On the Map editor of the of your selected map, you are able to navigate to the Rectangle page to view, add or edit existing Rectangles.
WP Go MAPS -> Maps (efit your chosen map) -> Rectangles
To Add a new Rectangle, complete the desired Rectangle options in the "Add a new Rectangle" Section

- ClickΒ on the map to set the first corner of your rectangle.
- ClickΒ again to set the other corner and to finish drawing your rectangle.
Edit the following options as required
Name: Name your Rectangle, this identifies it on the Rectangles page where all existing Rectangles are listed
Fill Colour of the rectangle
Note Additional Options are available, including InfoWindows for this shape when using the Altas Novus Build

Select Add Rectangle at the bottom of this section to save your new Rectangle